You want to be part of a vibrant, healthy church
where you can experience the transforming power of the gospel
where you can experience the transforming power of the gospel
and be part of the mission to bring that same transformation to the town you so love.
and be part of the mission to bring that same transformation to the town you so love.
Here's the problem: Finding that church isn't always easy.
In fact, it's often quite difficult.
Which can leave you feeling
and distracted.
If vibrant, healthy local churches is the primary way God chooses to move on the earth, we believe it shouldn't be this way.
We know what it's like to feel disconnected which is why we have developed a
We know what it's like to feel disconnected which is why we have developed a
3 step process to get you connected and get you on mission.
3 step process to get you connected and get you on mission.
Get to know us.
We're letting you go first! Check out our beliefs page, learn about our core values, and maybe even check out our livestream on a Sunday morning before you visit in person.
Get to know us.
We're letting you go first! Check out our beliefs page, learn about our core values, and maybe even check out our livestream on a Sunday morning before you visit in person.
Tell us about you
Alright, now it's your turn. Tell us about yourself. The key to developing healthy, vibrant churches is to develop healthy, vibrant relationships, which means both parties do the scary, but powerful act of allowing themselves to be known by the other.
But, don't worry. All we're really asking for is a name and email right now.
Tell us about you.
Alright, now it's your turn. Tell us about yourself. The key to developing healthy, vibrant churches is to develop healthy, vibrant relationships, which means both parties do the scary, but powerful act of allowing themselves to be known by the other.
But, don't worry. All we're really asking for is a name and email right now.
Plan a visit.
Okay, well, now all that's left, when you're ready, is to plan a visit with us. This process isn't required, but we'd love to know you are coming!
Plan a visit.
Okay, well, now all that's left, when you're ready, is to plan a visit with us. This process isn't required, but we'd love to know you are coming!
When we Meet
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 90 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.