When & Where We Gather
Sunday Mornings
9 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Sunday Gathering
Kids ministry for babies to 5th grade available
9 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Sunday Gathering
Kids ministry for babies to 5th grade available
What’s happening at Redeemer
Who We Are
We are a people who are gathered for the sake one thing: the gospel. That is, the fundamental belief that Jesus is the best news the world could ever hope for, that in his life, death, resurrection, and ascension as king, Jesus is making all things new and is inviting the entire world into his love.

What We Do
Because of who we are, it has a direct connection to what we do. We are a church on mission, meaning we believe that the good news of Jesus isn't just an interesting fun fact, but a kind of good news to be heralded to all the nations. We are on mission to invite everyone into the love we've been invited into.

What's Different
We believe that the most fundamental way God has chosen to rescue the world is through a multi-cultural, multi-generational, multi-ethnical, diverse family called the church. And it's a family that is still growing. Why don't come join us and be a part of it?